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Most projects from Chalmers on IVA’s 100 list 2022

Updated: May 3, 2023

Date 12/05/2022 - Chalmers Press.--

The 100-list highlights up-to-date research with business potential from Swedish universities. The theme for this year is technology in the service of humanity. Thirteen projects from Chalmers have been selected.

​The researchers have contributed with research projects that offer great value and potential for utilisation for society, through avenues such as industrial commercialisation, business development, or other types of impact. ​

“It is gratifying that we are so well represented on the 100 list. Chalmers has a strong focus on innovation and entrepreneurship” says Mats Lundqvist, Vice President of Utilisation at Chalmers University of Technology.

The selected projects from Chalmers 2022: Computer Science and Engineering ​

Project: EmbeDL

AI has achieved remarkable successes but at a price – neural network models are very large and need a lot of resources to train and deploy, thus leaving a very large energy footprint. Our research is about how to reduce the size of the neural networks, without sacrificing much in accuracy, and making the best use of diverse hardware so that AI can be deployed in an efficient and less energy consuming way to solve a specific problem.


The research is about creating digital twins and synthetic data. A digital twin is a replica of the real world in silico, which can be used to test and verify systems very efficiently and cheaply instead of tests in the real world which are costly, slow and error prone. Digital twins can be used to generate synthetic data to train AI systems efficiently without the need to collect real world data and annotating them manually which is costly, slow, noisy and error prone.

Researcher: Devdatt Dubhashi

Project: DPella

The world is collecting a massive amount of individuals data with the intention of building a human-centered future based on data insights. The huge challenge is how to achieve these insights that will shape the future, respecting privacy of individuals and complying with GDPR. We solve this by developing a technology for creating privacy-preserving analytics based on the mathematical framework of Differential Privacy – a new gold standard for data privacy. With our patented IP research, we provide a Privacy-as-a-service solution will enable data flows, creating the inter-organization value required to achieve a digital human-centred future.

Researcher: Alejandro Russo

Project: ZeroPoint Technologies

The dramatic increase of computers' processing power places high demands on efficient memory storage. A few players today have control over processor development by owning and controlling processor architectures. Chalmers with the spin-off company ZeroPoint Technologies develops technologies for computers' internal memory that are faster and less energy-intensive and are developed to fit into an open processor architecture. This provides basic conditions for smart industry.

Researcher: Per Stenström​

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