Here are the 70 hottest research projects of the year
Updated: May 3, 2023
Ingenjoren, May 17, 2022.--
Smart computer memories, intelligent risk management and synthetic data for AI. These are some of the 70 projects that made it onto this year's IVA list of projects with the potential to change the world. Here is the full list.
In connection with IVA, the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2019, the so-called 100 list was launched, which collects current research in a certain area.
This year was the fourth time that IVA compiled the list and this time the theme was Technology in the service of humanity.
Contribute to benefit
The purpose of the list is to highlight research that has the potential to change the world and thus contribute to building bridges between the world of research and business.
- Researchers and business need to find each other and collaborate around the societal challenges we face. With the 100 list, we want to inspire new contacts, meetings and networking and contribute to the research being useful, says Malin Mohr.
The research projects that make it onto the list are selected in a thorough nomination and selection process. Those who apply to join must meet a number of established criteria to be selected.
70 projects passed the requirements
How many people get on the list can therefore vary and it is not about a top list either.
- We do not grade the projects, all have equal value. Those who make the list are those who meet the criteria and who fit in with this year's theme. This year there were 70 projects, says Malin Mohr, project manager for the 100 list.
Here are all the projects on the IV list:
